Publikationen 2010 - 2014 >>>
Publikationen 2005 - 2009
- Gunkel, G. & Hoffmann, A. (2009) Bank filtration of rivers and lakes to improve the raw water quality for drinking water supply. In: Gertsen, N., Sønderby (Eds.) Water Purification. Nova
Science Publ., Hauppauge, NY., 137-169.
- Carvalho, R. M. C, Sobral, M., Costa, M. R., Gunkel, G., Silva, M. M. & Lôbo, L. (2009) Subsurface Dams for Water Storage and Sustainable Development in Semi-arid Areas. In: L. M.
G. Duarte & P. Pinto (eds.) Sustainable development: energy, environment and natural disasters. Fundação Luis de Molina, Lisboa. 149-158.
- Gunkel, G. (2009) Vulnerability of aquatic systems to climate chance – Findings from European waters. In: L. Duarte & P. Pinto (eds.) Sustainable development: Energy, Environment and
Natural Disasters. Fundação Luis de Molina, Lisboa, 9-23.
- Gunkel, G. (2009) Hydropower – A green energy? Tropical reservoirs and greenhouse gas emissions. Clean 37, 726-734
- Gunkel, G., Beulker, C., Hoffmann, A. & Kosmol, J. (2009) Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) transport and processing in littoral interstices – use of fluorescent markers. Limnologica
39, 185-199. doi:10.1016/j.limno.2008.11.001.
- Gunkel, G., Beulker, C., Grupe, B. & Viteri, F. (2009) Survey and assessment of post volcanic activities of a young caldera lake, Lake Cuicocha, Ecuador. Natural Hazards and Earth System
Science 9, 699-712.
- Gunkel, G. & Beulker C. (2009) Limnology of the crater Lake Cuicocha, Ecuador, a cold water tropical lake. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 94, 103-125.
- Sobral, M. & Gunkel,G. (2008) Management von Stauseen und Flusseinzugsgebieten als Bestandteil der Klimafolgenforschung. TU International 61, 27.
- Gunkel, G., Beulker, C., Grupe, B. & Viteri, F. (2008) Hazards of Volcanic Lakes: Analysis of Lakes Quilotoa and Cuicocha, Ecuador. In: P. Fabian & P. Lagos. The role of Geophysics in
Natural Disaster Prevention. Advances in Geosciences, Proceedings 14, 29-33.
- Sobral, M. C., Gunkel, G., Barros, A. L., Paes, R. & Figueido, R. C. (2007) Classificação de corpos d’água segundo a diretiva-quadro da água da União Européia – 2000/60/CE. Revista
Brasileira do Ciências Ambientais 11, 30 – 39.
- Gunkel, G. (2007) Contamination and eutrophication risks of a reservoir in the semi-arid zone: Reservoir Itaparica, Pernambuco, Brazil. In: G. Gunkel & M. Sobral (eds.) Reservoirs and
River Basins Management: Exchange of Experience from Brazil, Portugal and Germany. Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin, 81 – 95.
- Gunkel, G. & Sobral, M. (eds.) (2007) Reservoirs and River Basins Management: Exchange of Experience from Brazil, Portugal and Germany. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN:
978-3-7983-2056-7, 279 pp.
- Sobral, M. C., Gunkel, G. & Paes R. (2007) Environmental impacts in urban areas due to reservoirs construction in semi-arid Brazil. In 2nd International Congress on Environmental Planning
and Management, Visions Implementations Results. Fak. Planen Bauen Umwelt der TU Berlin, 485 – 488. ISBN 978-3-7983-2050-5
- Gunkel G. & Sobral, M. C. (2007) Water in the Megacity Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil: Water Supply and Discharge. In 2nd International Congress on Environmental Planning and Management,
Visions Implementations Results. Fak. Planen Bauen Umwelt der TU Berlin, 237—241. ISBN 978-3-7983-2049-9
- Hoffmann, A. & Gunkel, G. (2007) Chemisch-biologische Stoffumsätze im sandigen Litoral des Tegeler See unter dem Einfluss induzierter Uferfiltration. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der
Jahrestagung 2006, DGL, 224 – 228, Werder 2007.
- Gunkel, G., Beulker, C., Gruppe, B & Viteri, F. (2007) Der Vulkansee Laguna Cuicocha, Ecuador: Limnologische Bewertung und Risikoanalyse. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung
2006, DGL, 322 – 326, Werder 2007.
- Beulker, C., Hoffmann, A. & Gunkel, G. (2007) Einsatz von biogenen und inerten Partikeln zur Untersuchung des Feststofftransportes in Litoralsedimenten unte dem Einfluss induzierter
Uferfiltration. Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2006, DGL, 198 – 202, Werder 2007.
- Sobral, M. C, Gomes, E.T.A., Barros, A.M.L., Carvalho. R. M.C.M.O.., Montenegro, S.M.G.L, Araújo, T., Cirilo, J.A, Cabral, J.J., Candeias, A. L., Reis, M., Gunkel, G., Hartje, W. Klaphake. A,
Diestel. H., Kleinschmidt, B. Kaupenjohann. M., Hoffjann,T. (2007) Os Programas de intercâmbio acadêmico na área da engenharia ambiental entre a Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
Universidade Técnica de Berlim e Universidade de Ciências Aplicadas de Berlim – programas UNIBRAL e PROBRAL. In: S. Queirouz de Melo & M. A. Guedes (eds.) Cooperção Internacional Acadêmica.
Experiências e desafios. Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Recife. Editoria Universitária UFPE, Recife. 31 – 49.
- Gunkel, G., Kosmol, Sobral, M., Rohn, H., Montenegro S. & Aureliano J. (2007) Sugar Cane Industry as a Source of Water Pollution – Case Study on the Situation in Ipojuca River,
Pernambuco, Brazil. Water, Air and Soil Polution 180, 261-269
- Hoffmann A. & Gunkel,G. (2006) Dynamik der selbstreinigungswirksamen Prozesse im Interstitial unter dem Einfluss induzierter Uferfiltration. GDCh Jahrestagung Celle, 125-129.
ISSN/ISBN 3-936028-39-7
- Hoffmann, A. & Gunkel, G. (2006) Physicochemical changes in pore waterr in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel during bank filtration. In: UNESCO (ed.) Recharge systems for protecting
and enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge. UNESCO IHP-VI-GW-13, 605-610.
- Gunkel, G., Sobral, M. C., Kosmol, J., Rohn, H., Montenegro, S., Aureliano, J. (2006) Sugar Cane Industry as a Source of Water Pollution: Case Study in the Situation in Ipojuca River,
Pernambuco, Brazil. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, online: ISSN 1573-2932
- Gunkel, G. & Hoffmann, A. (2006) Clogging processes in a bank filtration system in the littoral zone of lake Tegel (Germany). In: UNESCO (ed.) Recharge systems for protecting and
enhancing groundwater resources. Proceedings of the 5th International symposium on Management of Aquifer Recharge. UNESCO IHP-VI-GW-13, 599-604.
- Hoffmann, A. & Gunkel, G. (2005) Untersuchungen zur räumlichen Struktur und biologischen Funktionsfähigkeit des Interstitial der sandigen Litoralzone – ein Überblick. Tagungsbericht
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Potsdam, 524 – 529.
- Regueira da Costa, M., Cirilio, J. A., Gunkel, G. & Gico Lima Montenergro, S. M. (2005) Qualidade da água em fontes superficiais e subterrraneas no semi-árido brasileiro. In: 7º Simpósio
de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa, 2005, Évora. Lisboa : APRH, 2005.14 pp.
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