New published:
Gunkel, G. (2019) Água no Contexto das Bacias Hidrográficas: Qualidade, Contaminação e Monitoramento. In:
Philippi Jr., A. & Sobral, M. C. (eds.) Gestão de Bacias Hidrográficas e Sustentabilidade. Editora Manole, Barueri, pp. 54-87, ISBN 9788520441152
Gunkel, G. (2019) Manejo das Bacias Hidrográfica: Servicios ecossistemas e Tecnologias Aavançadas. In:. In: Philippi Jr., A. & Sobral,
M. C. (eds.) Gestão de Bacias Hidrográficas e Sustentabilidade. Editora Manole, Barueri, pp. 88-118, ISBN 9788520441152
Marques, É. T., Gunkel, G. & Sobral, M. C, (2019)
Management of Tropical River Basins and Reservoirs under Water Stress: Experiences from Northeast Brazil. Environments 2019, 6, 62.
Environmental impact of large reservoirs in Northeastern Brazil – Development of an adapted water management
Evaluation of tropical waters mainly in arid areas still is a significant deficiency of common research, and it is necessary to register and quantify the abiotic and biotic
processes as well as the biodiversity. To realize this it is necessary to carry out basic research concerning the turnover processes of nutrients as well of the biodiversity. Current research
fields are the impacts of a 25 years old reservoir, the Itaparica, Rio Sao Francisco, situated
in the arid tropical zone of Northeastern Brazil, State Pernambuco.
The knowledge of limnological processes of reservoirs is of high significance, in particular because the occurrence of undesired species (e.g. harmful cyanobacteria, Microcystis
spp., Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii) limits usage of the water for humans, animals and for irrigation of agricultural areas. The mass development of macrophytes (Egeria densa) is linked to the
occurrence of schistosomiasis (bilharziosis), which leads to human-pathogenic effects.
The vision of a clean ‘green’ hydroelectric energy has become thwarted by some of the results in tropical countries, significant greenhouse gas emissions as well as mass
development of cyanobacteria have been reported. Reservoirs underlie a ‘natural’ rapid eutrophication, fortified by anthropogenic activities like aquaculture and irrigation agriculture.
Focus of research cooperation with Northeastern
Brazilian universities
- Environmental impact of hydropower use, analysis of environmental effects caused by 20 to 30 years old reservoirs.
Hydro-dynamic modelling as a contribution to reservoir management (Quantification of water exchange processes of reservoirs and their bays).
- Occurrence of undesired species (HAB, harmful algae blooms), mainly cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Cylindrospermopsis).
- Mass development of undesired submerged macrophyte (water pest, Egeria densa) and possibilities for regulation.
- Use of satellite images for water quality monitoring (remote sensing), especially to detect algae and submerged macrophytes.
- Impact on water quality by finfish aquaculture in net cages and development of a `blue´aquaculture.
Oligotrophication of reservoirs as a basis for sustainable and multiple water use.
- Use of deposited sediments for soil melioration for agriculture and sylviculture.
Innovative concepts for a sustainable management
of reservoirs are
Oligotrophication (amongst others management of water basin, buffer systems for drainage water, excavation of sediments) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and guarantee
ecosystem services.
Blue aquaculture as an alternative concept for cultivation techniques of Tilapia in net cages. The presently used fish production in net cages leads to severe ecological
impact (eutrophication, accumulation of sediments (mud) beneath the net cages, introduction of toxic substances (heavy metals, antibiotic, fungicides, among others) and impact on natural fish
population) and does not fulfill guidelines of animal welfare.
- The hydropower energy production needs to be linked to the availability of water, this means that periodic water level fluctuations must be minimized. Hydropower energy
cannot be generated by decreasing the reservoir’s water level. Water level fluctuations lead to severe impact on aquatic ecosystems (disintegration of lake shore vegetation, mobilization of
nutrients from desiccated sediments, die off of submerged vegetation and their fauna).
INNOVATE (Interplay among multiple uses of water reservoirs via inNOVative coupling of substance cycles in Aquatic and Terrestrial
Siegmund-Schultze, M., do Carmo Sobral, M., Alcoforado de Moraes, M.M.G., Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Azevedo, R.G., Candeias, A.L., Cierjacks, A., Gomes, E.T.A.,
Gunkel, G., Hartje, V., Hattermann, F.F., Kaupenjohann, M., Koch, H., Köppel, J, (2018) The legacy of large dams and their effects on the water-land nexus. Reg Environ Change 18(7), 1883-1888.
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- Siegmund-Schultze, M. (ed.) (2017) Guidance Manual—A compilation of actor-relevant content extracted from scientific results of the INNOVATE project. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin. 132
pp. ISBN 978-3-7983-2893-8. DOI 10.14279/depositonce-5732
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- Siegmund-Schultze, M. (ed.) (2017) Manual de Diretrizes – Uma compilação de conteúdos extraídos de resultados científicos do projeto INNOVATE, relevantes para atores envolvidos nas questões
em foco. Universitätsverlag da TU Berlin. 132 pp. ISBN 978-3-7983-2895-2 (print). DOI 10.14279/depositonce-5735
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- Gunkel, G., Aleixo da Silva, J. A. & Sobral, M. C. (eds.) (2013) Sustainable Management of Water and Land in Semiarid Areas. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife. ISBN 978-85-415-0259-7,
295 pp.
Content >>
Management of topical reservoirs
Marques, É. T., Gunkel, G. & Sobral, M. C, (2019) Management of Tropical River Basins and Reservoirs under Water Stress: Experiences from Northeast
Brazil. Environments 2019, 6, 62.
- Gunkel, G., Selge, F., Keitel, J., Lima, D., Calado, S., Sobral, M., Rodriguez, M., Matta, E., Hinkelmann, R., Casper, P. & Hupfer, M. (2018) Water management and aquatic ecosystem
services of a tropical reservoir (Itaparica, São Francisco, Brazil). Regional Environm. Change 18(7), 1913-1925. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-018-1324-8
- Gunkel, G., Lima, D., F. Selge, F., M. Sobral, M. & Calado, S. (2015) Aquatic Ecosystem Services of Reservoirs in Semi-arid Areas: Sustainability and Reservoir Management. WIT
Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 197, 187-200. ISSN 1746-448X Digital ISSN 1743-3541.
- Selge, F. & Gunkel, G. (2013) Water Reservoirs: Worldwide distribution, morphometric characteristics and thermal stratification processes. In: Gunkel, G., Aleixo da Silva, J. A. &
Sobral, M. C. (2013) Sustainable Management of Water and Land in Semiarid Areas. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife. ISBN 978-85-415-0259-7, 15- 27.
- Gunkel, G. (2009) Hydropower – A green energy? Tropical reservoirs and greenhouse gas emissions. Clean 37, 726-734
- Gunkel, G. & Sobral, M. (eds.) (2007) Reservoirs and River Basins Management: Exchange of Experience from Brazil, Portugal and Germany. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN:
978-3-7983-2056-7, 279 pp.
Content >>
Eutrophication - Oligotrophication of reservoirs
- Selge, F., Matta, E., Hinkelmann, R., & Gunkel, G. (2016). Nutrient load concept-reservoir vs. bay impacts: a case study from a semi-arid watershed. Water Science and Technology, 74(7),
1671-1679. doi: 10.2166/wst.2016.342 (ISSN 0279-1223)
- Gunkel, G., Selge, F. & Sobral, M. (2013) Re-oligotrophication of tropical water reservoirs as to minimize environmental impact. In: C. A. Brebbia (ed). River Basin Management VII,
313-326. WIT Press Southampton, UK, ISBN 978-1-84564-712-4, eISBN 978-1-84564-713-1
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- Baptista, M., Nixdorf, B. & Gunkel, G. (2013) Phytoplankton Diversity and Succession in Brazilian and German lakes. In: Gunkel, G., Aleixo da Silva, J. A. & Sobral, M. C. (2013)
Sustainable Management of Water and Land in Semiarid Areas. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife. ISBN 978-85-415-0259-7, 60-78.
- Gunkel, G. & Sobral, M. (2013) Re-oligotrophication as a challenge for tropical reservoir management with reference to Itaparica Reservoir, São Francisco, Brazil. – Water
Science and Technology 67.4, 708-714
- Gunkel, G. (2007) Contamination and eutrophication risks of a reservoir in the semi-arid zone: Reservoir Itaparica, Pernambuco, Brazil. In: G. Gunkel & M. Sobral (eds.) Reservoirs and
River Basins Management: Exchange of Experience from Brazil, Portugal and Germany. Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin, 81 – 95.
Aquaculture – Blue Aquaculture
- Silva, G. M. N., Assis, J. O., Matta, E., Sobral, M. C., Gunkel, G. & Hinkelmann, R. (2019) Modelagem hidrológica para avaliação da dispersão de nutrientes em reservatórios. In:
Estratégias de Monitoramente Ambiental da Aquicultura. Eds. Sampaio, F.G., et al., Instituto de Pesca, São Paulo. pp. 25-26.
- Gunkel, G., Matta, E., Selge, F., Nogueira da Silva, G. M. & Sobral, M. (2015) Carrying capacity limits of net cage aquaculture for Brazilian reservoirs. Revista Brasileira Ciencias
Ambientais 36, 128- 144. doi: 10.5327/Z2176-947820151008
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- Matta, E., Selge, F., Gunkel, G., Rossiter, K., Jourieh, A. & Hinkelmann, R. (2016) Simulations of nutrient emissions from a net cage aquaculture system in a Brazilian bay. Water,
Sciences and Technologies 73-10, 2430-2435
- Gunkel, G. Steemann, J. & Sobra, M. C. (2013) Carrying capacity limits in net cage fish production in water reservoirs. In: Gunkel, G., Aleixo da Silva, J. A. & Sobral, M. C. (2013)
Sustainable Management of Water and Land in Semiarid Areas. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife. ISBN 978-85-415-0259-7, 99-117.
Hydrodynamic Modelling
Matta, E., Koch, H., Selge, F., Simshäuser, M. N., Rossittener, K., Nogueira da Silva, G. M., Gunkel, G. & Hinkelmann, R. (2018) Modeling the
impacts of climate extremes and multiple water uses to support water management in the Icó-Mandantes Bay, Northeast Brazil. Journal of Water and Climate Change,
- Matta E, Selge F, Gunkel G, Hinkelmann R (2017) Three-dimensional modeling of wind- and temperature-induced flows in the Icó-Mandantes bay, Itaparica reservoir, NE Brazil. Water 2017, 9, 772.
- Matta, E., Selge, F., Gunkel, G., Rossiter, K., Jourieh, A. & Hinkelmann, R. (2016) Simulations of nutrient emissions from a net cage aquaculture system in a Brazilian bay. Water,
Sciences and Technologies 73-10, 2430-2435
Reservoirs– Water basin – Management
- Rossiter, Karina W. L.; Benachour, Mohand; Matta, Elena; Morais, Manuela M. Q. M; Calado, Silvana C. S. & Gunkel, Günter. Diagnostic of water quality along a concrete canal
for water transposition: a case study Sertão Alagoano Canal – Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais 36, 157-167 (ISSN 2176-9478). Download >>
- Correa, R. M., da Silva, J. A. A., dos Santos Freire, B. M. G., Gunkel, G. & Castro, M. R. C. (2015) Changes in Soil properties: The function of different cultivations in the irrigated
perimeter of Ico-Mandantes in the semiarid of Pernambuco, Brazil. Revista Brasileira Ciencias Ambientais 36, 219- 229.
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- Selge, F., Hagel, H., Gunkel, G. & Doluschitz, R. (2015) Annual rainfall variability and economic dependency of smallholder agriculture in the semi-arid Northeast Brazil, Revista
Brasileira Ciencias Ambientais 36, 145-156 Download >>
- Araújo Filho, J. C., Gunkel, G., Sobral, M. C., Kaupenjohann, M. & Lopes, H.L. (2013) Soil attributes functionality and water eutrophication in the surrounding area of Itaparica
Reservoir, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 17, 9, 1005-1013.
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Remote Sensing
- Sobral M, Lopes H, Candeias AL, Melo G, Gunkel G (2017) Geotecnologias na gestão de reservatórios: uma revisão e uma proposta de integração. Eng. Sanit. Ambient 22, 5, 841-852. doi:
- Lopes H., Sobral M. C., Gunkel G., Candeias A. L., Melo G. (2015) Spatial behavior of chlorophyll-a in Itaparica reservoir, São Francisco River. Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 20 (3),
475-484. (ISSN 1423-4152)
- Lopes, H., Sobral, M. C., Gunkel, G. & Candeias, A. (2015) Comportamento espacial da clorofila-a no reservatório de Itaparica, rio São Francisco. Revista Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental,
20, 475-484.
- Lopes, H., Sobral, M. C., Gunkel, G., Candeias, A. & Melo, G. (2013) First approach to retrieve chlorophyll-a using remote sensing techniques. In: Gunkel, G., Aleixo da Silva, J. A. &
Sobral, M. C. (2013) Sustainable Management of Water and Land in Semiarid Areas. Editora Universitária UFPE, Recife. ISBN 978-85-415-0259-7, 41-59.